Ivan Taniputera
3 September 2013
Ini merupakan literatur yang sangat komprehensif dan lengkap mengenai dewa-dewi Hindu.
Judul: Hindu Mythology: Vedic and Puranic
Penulis: W. J. Wilkins
Penerbit: Thacker, Spink & Co., 1913
Jumlah halaman: 510
Bahasa: Inggris
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Kita akan mengutipkan sedikit dari buku tersebut.
Halaman 93:
BRAHMA is regarded as the Supreme Being, the God of gods, of whom Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva are manifestations. It is true that, in some verses of the Vedas, attributes ascribed to him are also ascribed to other deities, and in some of the Puranas various gods are said to be identical with the supreme Brahma; neverteless Brahma is regarded by the Hindus (for which opinion thre is abundant authority in their scriptures) as the Supreme God-the origin of all the others and of whom they are manifestations. thus we read in the "Atharva-Veda" - "All the gods are in (Brahma) as cows in a cow-house."......"
Halaman 108:
Brahma's wife is Sarasvati, the goddess of wisdom and science, the mother of Vedas, and the inventor of the Devanagari letters. She is represented as a fair young woman, with four arms. With one of her right hands she is presenting a flower to her husband, by whose side she continually stands; and in the other she holds a book of palm leaves, indicating that she is fond of learning..."
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